Saturday, January 8, 2011

Resolutions & A Little Bit Of Cheesecake

I don’t remember much about being four years old…actually, I don’t think I really remember anything.  That doesn’t mean I didn’t learn and do and live and love because I am sure I did…but I am pretty sure I didn’t learn what Kayla is learning…

Did you know that pre-kindergarten these days teaches lessons about Greek gods and resolutions?  It’s pretty amazing what will sink into the minds of babes.  To reinforce what they are learning in school, Kayla has homework…well, they actually call it “share time”…but it’s work that has to be completed at home therefore I define it as “homework”.  This week the assignment was to determine your resolutions for 2011. 

Kayla and I had a long conversation about resolutions.  I explained to her that a resolution is a promise you make to yourself for the new year. 
“Mommy, what’s eer {your} e-esolution?”…“Well, Kayla, Mommy has many resolutions but one is to eat healthy and exercise more”.  After a bit more back and forth about “e-esolutions”, Kayla was ready.  She tapped her head and said “I’m thinking, I’m thinking, I’m thinking…my e-esolution is to make my bed everyday”.  I {of course} clapped and cheered loudly “Great idea, Kayla…great idea”.  As a Mommy, it makes me proud to know that she cares about making her room look pretty. “Oh…Mommy, Mommy…I have another great idea”…“how ‘bout “listen to my teachers”.  I sat with tears building in my eyes…she got it…she truly got it.  She knows that a resolution is a promise that she wants to keep.  She made both of her resolutions easily attainable, yet areas that she could improve on.  My heart was swelling with pride…

Fast-forward to Wednesday morning…Kayla walked with a skip {as she usually does} into school and placed her share time paper with her resolutions in her cubby.  Walking past the other cubbies, one caught my attention…one little girl {you know how every class has an over-achiever…well this girl is that over-achiever}…her resolutions you ask? 
  1. Read 100 books all by herself.
  2. Take piano lessons.
Oh…and to top it all off…she reinforced her resolutions by writing it in Korean, too.  And I thought we were advanced by drawing pictures of a bed and an ear and coloring them in…At least after talking to another Mommy I didn’t feel so bad…her child's resolution was to “learn how to jump better”. 

And look at her recent artwork…not too bad, huh?

These pictures were taken from the booth at Kayla’s school where I can observe her playing and learning with her friends.  This picture makes my heart smile…Kayla pretending to be the teacher…

Luckily January not only brings resolutions…it bring beautiful white snow…
One ridiculously cute snow bunny…

Lots of beautiful sights to take in...
like these geese that live at the entrance to our neighborhood…

This beautiful railroad bridge built in 1917 
{a spot that Kayla and I pass daily on our way to school}...

And a beautiful farm view…
We also enjoyed some indoor my super cute ballerina {don’t mind the pictures shot through the mini-blinds}…Kayla's the one in in the two pink bows, of course...

And here she is tumbling...this picture makes giggle...I love the look of pride and excitement on her face {if only you could have seen my face}...this is her finishing her tumbling {can't you just hear her saying "Ta-Da"?}...
This was the end of the first week of the new year and this week was just perfect.  How do we end a perfect week of resolutions and snow?  At the Cheesecake Factory, of course!  Remember my resolution to eat healthy?  Well…maybe tomorrow!  And Cheesecake Factory always treats our girl with love and kindness…this is Heather…Kayla loves Heather and she loves our Kayla…

And the manager gave Kayla this adorable little bear that she named Lucy…

Everyone there gives our Kayla so much attention...and Kayla…well, she eats it all up...every last hug, twirl, high-five, "hello", and "you're so cute"...she eats every last morsel of it up!

Hope you enjoyed your first week of 2011, friends.  Take time to enjoy the sights, laugh a little and love a lot {and go ahead, have a little slice of cheesecake}.

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