Today the test is available. For those of you that have babies with Down syndrome, you know the test I am referring to...MaterniT21. This prenatal test is able to detect fetal DNA in the mother's blood as early as 10 weeks into pregnancy. Ten weeks. Before you have likely told your neighbor, your best friend, perhaps even your Mom. Ten weeks. Before you have really connected with your baby. Ten weeks.
Why does this concern me? Because of the way I was told Kayla had Down pointing out what was "wrong" with her. Because 96% of babies with Down syndrome are aborted. Because people don't understand Down syndrome...not even the doctors offering the prenatal testing.
Dr. Brian Skotko, an amazing doctor and advocate for individuals with Down syndrome {who also happens to be the brother of a sister that has Downs syndrome}, conducted a study of 3,150 mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and people with Down syndrome. Here is just a sample of what he found...
99% of people with Down syndrome said they were happy with their lives
97% of people with Down syndrome liked who they were
99% of parents said they love their child with Down syndrome
97% of brothers/sisters, ages 9-11 said they love their sibling
Here are some of my own statistics...
I love Kayla 100%...every little bit of her...including that extra chromosome
99% of my days are brighter because of Kayla
99% of the time I am proud of her
99% of the time I want to be around her
The other 1%? Well, she is a five-year-old little girl. A very typical five-year-old little girl. Sorry...big girl. I would definitely be corrected for calling her a little girl if she read this. The point is, I'd be lying if I said I was proud of her 100% of the time. Would you be proud of your child for being sassy to a teacher by saying "whatever"??? Probably not. Or would you be proud of your child for biting her friend on the knee...not so much {and yes, my sweet little Kayla did that apparently because her friend took her stuffed animal}. So...that's the 1%.
But I'll take that 1% and the other 99%...I'll take it all...just to have my girl.
So go ahead, doctors, give that test to pregnant women. But I sure as hell hope you are also giving them information about Down syndrome and connecting them with parents that love their "imperfect" children. The problem is, I know there are thousands of Moms that were met with the diagnosis in the same sad and pathetic way that I was...the "are you sitting down", "are you alone", the "I'm sorry to tell you this"...and my least favorite "let me show you what's WRONG with your child"...To those women that got the diagnosis prenatally and kept their children, I applaud you. I've said it before but truth be told...I can't honestly tell you that I would not have been one of the 96% of women having an abortion. Unless you know anything about Down syndrome, it appears to be doom and gloom...even out of the mouths of doctors.
So the problem is this...
If women no longer need to have an invasive amnio to receive this diagnosis, it is far more likely they will find out their child has Down syndrome while pregnant. It is far more likely that 96% will increase and the number of people with Down syndrome will decrease.
While I never imagined my life as the parent of a child with Down syndrome, I would want it no other way. Kayla has taught me more in her five short years than I could ever teach another human being. She has taught me love, compassion, kindness, respect and most importantly, she has taught me that all of us...ALL of us...are humans. We all are equal. We all are deserving of nothing less than what we expect out of be happy.
So go ahead...if you are pregnant...take the test...but don't take it to decide whether or not to "keep" your child. Take it to be more prepared for life as the parent of a child with Down syndrome. I promise is a life that is more full and rich than you could ever possibly imagine...for I could never imagine my life without her...
Thanks for reading and I'd love to hear your thoughts...