While this event was a week ago, it has etched itself into a two-page spread of my memory book. You know the one that fills with big days...important days like Christmas or Easter or birthdays. June 19 was a beautiful day. Yes, the weather was warm and sunny and perfect...but that's not what made the day beautiful. The people did. This was the second year we participated in the DFRC Blue-Gold football game as parents of a Buddy. And this day was the grand finale of events...
I won't go on and on and on {like I have in the past about how amazing the DFRC Blue-Gold Hand-In-Hand program is}...don't wanna bore you...but I'm just sayin'...this organization more than warms my heart...it puts a big hurts-my-cheeks-kinda-smile on my face.
By now you all know Amanda, Kayla's buddy. The friendship that has been formed is quite possibly one of the most amazing friendships you could ever witness. Amanda loves Kayla and it makes me remember my buddy, Jennifer. I know I loved spending time with her but I hope she felt loved the way that Kayla feels loved. Back then, I loved spending time with her, but I can't say I "got it" like Amanda does. She's just incredible...and it shows...
The day was filled with priceless moments. Like this one...my big girl hanging out. One minute she was chilling on the phone...
and the next she was stalking Buddy Bear like it was her job...it was a bit of a love fest...
Then we were onto the pre-game festivities...
As the cheerleaders and ambassadors {that's Amanda waiving on the right} were announced and walked the field, Kayla cheered them on. "Go Blue-Gold, Go". Her enthusiasm was priceless and infectious...
And then there was this moment...cue the sappy music {I can't remember the song but for the sake of my story let's just say it was That's What Friends Are For because that's sappy, right?}, the tears, the tissues and the buddies running across the football field and into the arms of their "buddies", their senior participants. The shrieks of joy, the laughter, the look of complete satisfaction on the faces of the buddies and participant alike...this was moment that expressed to the crowd that this is what this program is all about. It's not about the individuals playing on the field. It's not about the cheerleaders. It's not about which team won...it's about the experience and the bonds of friendship forged between a "typical" senior participant and their buddy with an intellectual disability. The friendships formed despite the "differences" because of the similarities. The buddies, all just like Kayla, have more love to give than all the people I know combined. If the love on that field could have been bottled, it would be priceless. But above that, if we could worry less about pointing fingers, arguing, name calling, isolating people because of their sexual preference or religious beliefs and just love, unconditionally...what a beautiful world we could live in. One where we didn't focus on differences, rather similarities and common bonds...what a world this could be...living and loving unconditionally, just like Kayla.
I am a better person because of Kayla...I am a better person because of her friends...and I am a better person because of the DFRC, this experience and this day.
And my girl? Well...nothing makes her more happy than spending time with Amanda...and watching football {an obsession my husband started}...
My memory scrapbook is full of smiley faces and happy tears on this day.
Oh...and the icing on the cake? Kayla made the front page of The Sunday News Journal...
She's just a little bit famous around here...or so she thinks...and we'll just keep letting her think that because there's nothing wrong with amazing self confidence, it's the stuff that takes you far in life. Live big, Kayla. Front page style because that's how we roll!

And so I am hoping you take away a major life lesson from this event...extend a hand.
Be a buddy.
I promise...you will be the better for it.
Another beautiful post! Congrats on making the front page Kayla! You totally rock!