1. excess in eating or drinking
2. greedy or excessive indulgence
Well, Mr. Webster, this weekend I was gluttonous. I make not excuses. I ate a lot and I excessively indulged in family fun time. And so while gluttony may be one of the seven deadly sins, I don't apologize for it...as I enjoyed every second of it. While I am trying to eat healthy, sometimes you just have to disregard the diet...because cheeseburgers really are good for your soul...a great cure for stirred emotions. Emotions in turmoil for my Alpha Xi big sis, Pam, whose father just passed away and emotions that have been stirred up further pushing my desire to make a difference for people with special needs. So with turmoil, with emotions, comes the desire for food....really good bad-for-you food...and oh how I feel better!
Rick and I enjoyed a nice dinner together. We enjoyed adult time discussing adult things without the presence of crayons, baby dolls, and a cute little 3 foot 2 inch blond hair blue eyed beauty. And while having her present fills me with so much joy, it is great to go back to just "us" every once in a while. To enjoy each other. When it was time to order, I was good...ordering just lettuce wraps.
Rick indulged in wings and cheesesteak egg rolls.
What are cheesesteak egg rolls you ask? Well...let me tell you...if you have ever wondered how to make a cheesesteak even better than it already is, the answer is this...deep fry it! That's right...my life is forever changed after tasting that perfection! And what could make my husband even more happy than something fried? Beer...
During our dinner we discussed life and love and dreams and plans and had fun...just the two of us...a perfect date night.
Not to leave out our little pigtailed cutie, we took her out for a little celebration. Where would a family of parrotheads celebrate together? Cheeseburger in Paradise, of course. With the summer tour tickets going on sale this week, we decided to indulge in a little pre-game food...
Bacon cheeseburger and sweet potato chips...perfection...
Rick's idea of humor...
A tiki bar...oh how I was tempted...trust me...I was envisioning blue skies, aqua water, white sands, swaying palms, a hammock, a frozen concoction in my hand, swaying to the sounds of a calypso band...or if I had my ultimate dream, Jimmy Buffett would be serenading me....ahhh...a girl can dream...but I digress...
And while my idea of perfection is a frozen concoction...Kayla's idea of perfection is coloring {check out that pincer grasp...oh yeah}, baby dolls and ice cream...and what could make ice cream better but chocolate sauce, oreos and rainbow sprinkles....
Sometimes you just have to climb under the booth to capture the cutest picture of the day...
Seriously...I don't think I could love these two and my life anymore than I do...
And oh how she loves to dance...especially if she sees a stage. She's never met a stage she didn't like. It's as if every stage was made for her...in her mind, at least. Like God put that stage right there in the middle of the restaurant just for her to dance on...just don't show her the signs for Thursday night Karaoke or we could have a serious problem on our hands...
After our lunch outing we excessively indulged in playing with Kayla...if only I could bottle her ridiculously adorable squealing laugh as she plays kickball. It's contagious, I tell you. It's one of those sounds that you wish you could hear all day long because you would never get tired of hearing it. It's the sound of pure joy. Pure happiness. And seriously...the gold puffer vest with gold Chuck Taylors...it doesn't get much cuter...
And sidewalk chalk...oh how we love some sidewalk chalk...just $1 worth of egg shaped sidewalk chalk can make a girl {ok...and her Mommy} seriously happy...
While I adore how seriously cute she is posing next to her name that I drew, I love even more how she wanted to write her name all by herself...or to quote Kayla "I do it myself, Mommy"...as she grabbed her favorite color chalk {do I even need to tell you it's pink?}...and she began writing and saying each letter at a time. Even more adorable was her excitement when she stood up, looked down at what she had written and declared "K-A-Y-L-A...spells Kayla"! Oh how I love her...

So this weekend I was gluttonous....I ate in excess, had fun in excess, lived in excess and loved in excess...and Mr. Webster I make no excuses for living gluttonously because it was pure perfection...
Seriously smiling here. What a great post. Perfect pictures and the food. Oh my the food. Sarah is demanding we now go to a Cheesburger in Paradise and I think the nearest one is in Columbus, which means a road trip for us.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely go to a CBIP! Look how happy I am there!